To obtain your guard card and to work as a security guard, the state of California requires you to complete 40 hours of training.
You must complete an initial 8 hour training course and pass a test. Once you have done that you must complete a background check. You will then receive your guard card and may begin work as a security guard.
During the first 30 days the state requires an additional 16 hours of training (Module A).
In the first 6 months you will also be required to complete another 16 hours of training (Module B).
After 2 years you will have to complete 8 hours of training to renew your guard card.
Lion’s Head offers:
The initial 8 hour course
The 32 additional hours of training (Modules A & B)
The 8 hours renewal continuing education
To register for these classes please contact us by email at:
California Security Guard On-line Licensing Pilot Program: